
LinesStadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig ; Sammlung Autographe Stadtgeschichtliches Museum <Leipzig>

Signatur: A/3987-1/2009

S., R. H. [Verfasser],Koch, Auguste Friederike Caroline [Adressat]

o. O., 1860/1860. - 1 Bl., 22,3 x 31,2 cm. - Albumblatt, Handschrift

Inhaltsangabe: Sinnspruch: "Let this Album, bright souled maiden, Be an emblem of thy life, Let not its fair leaves be laden With a simple thought of strife. Let no rain, unreal sorrow Blur the beauty of the page; No unknown, unborn 'tomorrow' Lend to youth the hue of age. From all these and all woho bring them, Shut thy life, and seal thy book: From thy soul, like shadows fling them; Banish them by one bright-look. Here all pleasant fancies hover - All that at once are bright and brief; The raptures of the happy lover, But not a jot of his foud grief. Nor let the pencil's magic art Be wanting to complete thy pages; That can more vivid thougths unpart. Than all the pens of all the sages: That can lend forms ... fair book The pen alone could compass never; That can arrest the fleeting look, And fix the fugitive for ever."; mit persönlicher Widmung: "RHS. 3/1/60." (Digitalisat)

Material: Papier

Pfad: Sammlung Autographe Stadtgeschichtliches Museum <Leipzig>


Erfassung: 30.08.2012 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-02-09T07:24:22+01:00