
Brief von John C. Eccles von John Curtin School of Medical Research an Chandler McC. Brooks an State University of New York at Stony Brook, 05.11.1951-04.08.1960Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, NachlässeNachlass John EcclesSignatur: 2AU-2300


Brief von John C. Eccles von John Curtin School of Medical Research an Chandler McC. Brooks an State University of New York at Stony Brook, 05.11.1951-04.08.1960Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Nachlässe ; Nachlass John Eccles

Signatur: 2AU-2300

05.11.1951-04.08.1960. - 41 Bl., 5 Beil., Englisch. - Brief, Abhandlung

Gesperrt. 2025

Inhaltsangabe: Physiologie im Nervensystem ZNS (MeSH D009424 Nervous System Physiological Phenomena)Neural Inhibition (MeSH G11.561.600.625); Neurotransmitter (MeSH D27.505.519.625)Geschichtsschreibung (MeSH D006663 Historiography)Eccles, John C.: Excitatory and inhibitory synaptic action. In Harvey Society (ed.): Harvey Lectures 51 (Wiley-Liss, New York 1957), 1-24 [1A-139]Eccles, John C.: The development of ideas on the synapse. In Chandler McC. Brooks and Paul F. Cranefield (ed.): The historical development of physiological thought (Hafner, New York 1959), 39-66 [1A-167]"[11.10.1957: ....]I am not particularly happy with my efforts as a historian. It is a kind of job that I have neber assayed before and I was not sure about the level of treatment that would be appropriate. As soon as one comes to write in this field one is involved in a rather large bibliography and I could easily have doubled it it I had put in all of the relevant references. I have tried to restrict it to key references in important fields. [...] I am finding it increasingly difficult to get time for research these days as I have quite a lot of other responsibilities in this country; however one struggles on and may be things will lighten next year. [...]"

Bemerkung: Laboratory equipment e.g. dissecting loups, micromanipulators, micro-electrodes, walves etc.Travelling USA; Adam M. Miller Lecture, Harvey Lecture, Squibb memorial lecture, physiology conferences, travel grants etc.David Curtis as visiting researcher at SUNY.

Objekteigenschaften: Handschrift

Pfad: Nachlass John Eccles / Korrespondenz

[1160 (Inventarnummer)]


Erfassung: 28. Juni 2013 ; Modifikation: 28. Juni 2013 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-03-29T13:22:51+01:00