
Brief an John Evans / von William Penn Basel UB Autographensammlung Karl Geigy-Hagenbach (1866-1949)Signatur: UBH Autogr Geigy-Hagenbach 220


Brief an John Evans / von William Penn Basel UB ; Autographensammlung Karl Geigy-Hagenbach (1866-1949)

Signatur: UBH Autogr Geigy-Hagenbach 220

Penn, William (1644-1718) [Verfasser],Evans, John [Adressat]

11. März 1705. - 2 Bl. (1,5 S. beschrieben), 18,5 x 15 cm, Englisch. - Autograf, Handschrift, Briefsammlung

Es gelten die Benutzungsbestimmungen für den Sonderlesesaal.

Inhaltsangabe: Empfehlungsschreiben "Pray look upon this gentleman as a Person well recommended to me and indeed he appears to be discret and knowing man, of good and genteel Humor, and as such, shew what Civility and kindness thou canst. I know tis thy naturall temper. I have writt to thee by the last and this fleet, and therefore say nothing here of business saveing yt I would have thee be as courageous as discreet and so direct thy conduct. This person's intelligence may be an argument, who is intelligent, and knows the posture of our affaires and those of Europe ..." (Kat. Geigy-Hagenbach) (Katalogeintrag in swisscollections) (Online via e-manuscripta)

Bemerkung: Eigenhändiger Brief mit Unterschrift

Akzession: Eigentümer: Stiftung Sammlung Karl Geigy-Hagenbach

Pfad: Autographensammlung Karl Geigy-Hagenbach (1866-1949) / Katalog (1929) / Fürsten / Vereinigte Staaten


Modifikation: 09.08.2023